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ch3-ch2 +

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Q: How will be the structure of ch5 carbocations look like?
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What is the compound CH5?

There is no such compound. CH4 is methane (aka natural gas).

Is CH5 a possible molecular formula?

No, the valiance electrons don't balance.

How cool is dinosaur king?

dinosaur king is a cool tv show that plays on ch5 at 9:00 enjoy!

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What is element CH5?

CH5, is it existed, would not be an element but a compound as it contains two elements bonded together (carbon and hydrogen). But CH5 cannot exist as carbon cannot bond with more than 4 other atoms.CH4 is the compound known as methane.

What issues and values did classical civilizations stress?

Im taking World Histor Ap and this was on the Ch5 discusiion qusetions this is what i putLaw & Legal Issues; Literature & Language; Relationships; Religion & Spirituality

Is ammonium molybdate an acid or base?

Methane can be protonated by superacids to the carbonium ion: H+ + CH4 -> [CH5]+ So methane is a Lewis base but, like helium, it is an exceedingly feeble proton abstractor. and They can lose a proton, but their tendency to lose a proton is so small that the term acid would not normally be applied to them.

How old is your Remington Model 511 date code is WTT?

The manufacture date on the gun itself is WTT. The W indicates the month of August and the TT indicates the year of 1948. Hence August 1948 is the date your model 511 was born.

What is the empirical formula for C9H20?

C9H2O The empirical formula indicates the simplest whole-number ratio of elements in a compound. The formula C9H2O already has the simplest whole-number ratio of elements.