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Q: How will food make sure no one goes hungry?
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What can you do to make sure that every body have food?

The gouverment to trade something to food so that it's country would not be hungry

What will happen if you eat baby food?

Nothing, baby food is quite nourishing but a bit bland. However make sure the baby does NOT go hungry.

How do you know when your budgie is hungry?

If your budgie goes to eat from the food bowl then it's obviously hungry. Always check the bowls to see if there is actual food or just the hulls from the seeds. Your budgie may also sometimes go to the bottom of the cage and start eating there so make sure there is food in the bowls. Another way is to feel your budgies crop, which is like their stomach. If it feels like a big lump it means they are full or have already eaten. Your budgie may also make sounds or depending on how tamed/trained it is, make gestures for you to check it's food bowls. Also make sure to always have clean water because they do poop and take baths in there from time to time.

What is is a healthy lifestyle for students?

eat the cafeteria food, make sure you get extra if you are hungry. do not participate in ANY physical education class which involves excessive movement.

What does food inspector do?

A food inspector goes to newly built restaurants and he looks at he place and tastes the food to make sure it's safe for people to eat

Even if you're standing on your head peristalsis will make sure something happens What?

Your swallowed food goes down

Why did the Eygptians have traps in their pyramids?

The Egyptains wanted to make sure that no robbers would steal the food or drinks that the dead persons family gave to him so he would not be hungry during his afterlife.

How do you get you and your pups across the river on wolfquest?

at first i didnt know either. it was like i was trapped in by another wolfs territory and the river. so heres how you get you and your pups across. Make sure your pups health is high and its not hungry. i mean, its ok if its a tiny bit hungry it doesnt have to be fully full. also, make sure you have food for your pups in you to, because what happens is, when they cross the river, their hunger goes down, so you have to feed them again after you get out. make sure when you cross the river you are finding the quickest way possible to the other side. ( which means, DONT fool around in the water. your pup will DROWN) so, that's basicly it. good luck! ;)

Is it OK to leave my budgie in its cage while I am at school considering it will be in it's cage from the night before?

just make sure it has plenty of food and water. dont leave him hungry or u'll be sorry.

How can you stop yourself from being hungry without eating?

swallow cotton balls with water acts like food but doesn't make you gain weight not to sure if it's good for you though hahah.

What does a food inspector do?

A food inspector goes to newly built restaurants and he looks at he place and tastes the food to make sure it's safe for people to eat

Are three slices of bread bad for you?

No. Just make sure you're hungry. It's filling.