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Q: How will you attach the balloon to the car body?
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How do you attach wheels to a balloon car?

Attach the wheels to something strong like pencils or straws by using tape!

What can a motor do for a Lego balloon car?

In order to a motor do for a Lego balloon car follow these simple 5 steps: Step One: Take a normal coloured part balloon, and excrete in it.. Now blow it up. Step Two: Throw it away and do it with a clean balloon and don't excrete in it, if you do you will have to lick it clean. Step Three: Attach the balloon to the Lego Car. Step Four: Take a motor from your car and attach it to the Lego car with 5 Lego bricks, do not use any more or less. Step Five: Start up the motor and the Lego balloon car should float in the air. And there you have it, your very own Lego balloon car with a can motor!

What is the manipulated variable in a balloon-powered car project?

Material, wheel, body

How do you make a balloon powered airplane?

first take paper and make your glider attach a balloon

What does a balloon in a car do?

A balloon in a car will probably deflate.

What are good facts about how a balloon car works?

a balloon car works by the air in the balloon.

How do you sit pop a balloon?

attach a pin to your butt lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How does a powered balloon car work?

1. Put your car on a flat and smooth surface 2. Blow up the balloon and twist it so air doesn't come out 3. Attach, tape, or glue, however your car is made, to your car 4. When it's ready let the balloon go and watch it go Sorry if it didn't help, I'm making a one now and can't get it to move but I know how it works (kinda). 10-12-09

How do you make a balloon powered car?

Make up the car body and turn upside down. Cut the bendy section off the straws. Tape the straws onto the base of the body making sure they are parallel and about 2cm from the front and back edges. 2. Push a white stick through each straw. Then push a wheel onto each end of the sticks. The white sticks should be able to spin freely with the wheels firmly attached. 3. Blow up the balloon a few times to stretch it. Fit the balloon over the end of one of the straw off-cuts and secure in position with tape. This is for blowing up the balloon when the car is finished. 4. Very carefully make a hole in the back of the car body using the pencil. Push the straw that is fixed to the balloon through the hole in the car body so that the balloon is inside the car body and the straw is sticking out of the back. Use tape, plastercine or blu-tac to fix the straw into position. 5. Blow up the balloon, pinch the straw to stop the air escaping and place the balloon car on a smooth surface.

What will stop your balloon car?

You have a balloon car? Heh. Put your foot in front of it.

What is a Lego balloon car?

It is a toy car built from Lego's and it is balloon powered.

How do you create a balloon powered car that goes 15 feet?

Glue a balloon to a little toy car. Blow up the balloon, without tying the end. Set the car with balloon on the ground and watch the car be propelled by the air coming out of the balloon for about 15 feet.