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You can use many thing like websites, facebook, Google +, posters, or contact you local news paper.

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Q: How will you encourage more community participation among teachers and students?
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How will encourage more community participation among teachers and student?

You can use many thing like websites, facebook, Google +, posters, or contact you local news paper.

Do teachers in middle school encourage their students to use WikiAnswers?


What is teachers role in students life?

A teachers role in a students life is to be a positive role model. They should encourage students and help them to set goals and achieve them.

What does The Teachers Desk do?

The Teachers Desk is an organization that provides free supplies to schools and students in the United States and aims to encourage students and teachers. One can find more details on their official website.

Why blackboards and chalkboards are educational technology?

Blackboards and chalkboards are considered educational technology because they provide a simple and effective way for teachers to present information and engage with students in a visual and interactive manner. They promote active learning, enable real-time demonstrations, and facilitate direct interaction between teachers and students. Additionally, they encourage student engagement and participation in the learning process.

How do teachers help the community?

Teachers help the community by educating and empowering students, who then contribute to society as knowledgeable and skilled individuals. They also often participate in community events, provide guidance and support to families, and serve as positive role models for students. Additionally, teachers may advocate for educational policies that benefit the community.

When teachers ask questions that encourage students to draw conclusions what was the method used?

Probably the Socratic method

When teachers ask questions that encourage students to draw conclusions they are using what kind of teaching?

socratic method

Do grade school teachers encourage their students to use WikiAnswers?

Every teacher and school is different. Some may or may not recommend students use the site. However, many teachers use this site.

In UP-Open University how does the teacher aSSess the online outputs of the students?

Teachers evaluate their students' assignments, reports, research paper, written examinations, and participation on online discussion forums.

What has the author Maxine R Colm written?

Maxine R. Colm has written: 'A study of faculty participation in the governance of public two-year community colleges' -- subject(s): Administration, Collective bargaining, Teacher participation in administration, College teachers, Community colleges

What strategies can preschool teachers employ to encourage language development in their students?

Preschool teachers can encourage language development by fostering a language-rich environment, engaging in meaningful conversations, reading aloud, using props and visuals, and providing opportunities for storytelling and expression.