

How will you know when child abuse is happenning?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Most often, you will not. Even if you believe abuse is occurring, you may not be certain unless you actually see it. And, even then, your definition of abuse may be different than that of the law.

Be very careful. CPS/DHS has a habit of seriously over reacting in favor of protecting the child. AND THE CHILD SHOULD BE PROTECTED. No question. But, the organizations charged with investigating allegations more often than not approach situations as if it is not an allegation but a foregone conclusion, and the damage they potentially do to the child and the family is often as bad if not greater than the alleged abuse.

Be certain.

Additionally, more and more states are passing legislation aimed at preventing false allegations (these being on the rise as it is easier to accuse someone of abuse, and cheaper than fighting for custody). This legislation, as in the case of New York state may turn the potential punitive actions a guilty abuser would receive back on the false accuser.

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