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To perform 1 rescuer CPR for an adult with no pulse, put both hands on their chest and compress 2 inches in depth 30 times. After 30 compresses, give 2 gentle breaths into the mouth while pinching their nose.

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Q: How will you perform CPR on an unresponsive man with no signs of life?
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Can CPR be used for drug overdose?

If the person shows no signs of life from a drug overdose, yes you would perform CPR.

What is the best step to take if the victim is unresponsive and unconscious?

perform cpr following abc

Is there a way to save someone if their face turns purple?

If they're choking, perform the heimlich maneuver to remove the airway obstruction. If it isn't choking, really the only thing that you can do is wait until they become unresponsive and stop breathing. That's when you perform CPR. If you find them unresponsive then do CPR.

Will there be any side effects to the person who CPR was preformed on even if he got pulse and respiration?

If you perform CPR on a person who is breathing and has a pulse, you would decrease the effectiveness of their own breaths & heart pumps. If a person is breathing and has a good pulse, during the check you should be able to determine the person has signs of life. In fact, if you try to perform CPR, they may resist. If the person is barley breathing and you do not determine they are breathing, better to perform CPR if in question because if the breathing is that faint, it will only be a short amount of time before they loose signs of life. The probability of a side affect of performing CPR with faint signs of life is small.

How do you perform CPR on pregnant woman- 3 trimester?

No procedural changes to CPR on a pregnant woman.

How often should you stop and check for signs of life in an infant when administering CPR?

In the initial assessment, check for signs of life. During rescue breathing, check for signs of life every 2 minutes. During CPR, don't check for signs of life any more. Unless you see obvious signs of life once CPR is started, continue doing CPR.

What is reassessment in CPR?

Reassessment in CPR is to check again to see if signs of life are present.

How often should you stop and check for signs of life in adult CPR?

Do not stop CPR to check for signs of life in Adult CPR. Continue CPR until help (EMS) arrives or someone takes over.

When you perform CPR you are providing what what and what to the heart and brain?

When you perform CPR, you provide blood, oxygen, and life to the heart and brain.

About how often you stop and check for signs of life when performing CPR on an adult?

Signs of life check after the initial check for an adult has been eliminated. Once you start CPR on an adult, do not stop unless advanced medical takes over, an AED is available to hook up, the scene becomes unsafe and you need to move yourself and the patient, or the patient shows signs of life during the CPR process.

Who can perform CPR when needed?

Anyone who is properly trained or not properly trained for cardiopulmonary resuscitation can perform CPR when necessary. CPR is utilized in a life-and-death situation.

What are the symptoms of CPR?

Symptoms of those requiring CPR are no breathing, no pulse, no signs of life.