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Q: How will you teach in elementary?
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What is the job of an elementary school teacher?

To teach elementary children, of course.

How to teach elementary students what is a kilogram?

First teach elementary students that a gram is the weight of a paperclip. A kilogram is the weight of one thousand paperclips.

Would you teach your elementary class bucket or a pail or would you teach both words and why?

You could teach your elementary class to use both bucket and pail. This is because they can use them in many different contexts.

Does auburn Elementary teach cursive?

Ask the school.

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Should they teach cursive in elementary school?

When I was in 5th grade they did.

Should you teach preschool or elementary?

elemantary you get paid more

What did Elzabeth Blackwell teach in elementary school?

1st grade

Do you need a minor in math to teach in elementary schools?

No. you don't need to minor in math to teach in elementary schools because if you take up elementary education as your course, you can not say that one subject is your major or minor. In elementary all the subjects are your major because you are teaching all the subjects anyway.

Can you still be a teacher if you teach a subject you did not major in?

A person can teach the subject that they minored in. A teacher can also teach in Elementary Ed if that was their major in college.

Where does deanna hummel teach?

Glenside Elementary School Reading PA

How is math used in beaing an elemeantry teacher?

An elementary teacher needs to be able to teach basic mathematics.Also, an elementary teacher should be able to spell being and elementary correctly.