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wings provide lift to the plane (or else it would not be able to fly :)

at the wingsthere are a number of panels, including the ailerons and spoilers.

moving this panels changes the airflow over the wing, "pushing" the aircraft in a roll the forces will then help turn the plane

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Q: How wings help planes take turns?
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Why do aeroplanes need wings?

An aeroplane needs wings because it helps with the main part of a plane- take off. 1.The reason why is that there are ailerons at the back of a planes wings and these help with the roll or the way a plane is steered so if we didnt have wings we couldn't steer a plane.2. The way you steer a plane you have to use rudders and these rudders allow the plane to have yaw used by the pedals .Yaw is like if you were to jump up on a trampoline and spin ,hense the motion of yaw , also to do with steering and wings. the last thing is that a plane has to have a pitch which is the way a plane takes off and to have pitch the flaps connected to the AILERONS at the BACK OF THE PLANES WINGS must be usable By Samantha Dudley. First Maori Female international pilot.

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There are planes that can take off and land vertically, most notable of them is the Harrier jump jet build by BAE, there is also the V-22. The planes that can take off and land vertically are said to have Vertical TakeOff and Landing (VTOL) capabilities. This is usually achieved by vectoring the trust of the engines downward, so to create lift. After sufficient speed is gained, the aircraft continues flying as normal, with wings providing the lift and engines providing the forward trust.

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they help you because it turns the food you eat into substances your body can use.

In Alaska what are planes that take off in the water called?

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How many planes take off every minute around the world?

only 2000 planes take off

What do wings protect birds from?

In addition to enabling birds to take flight to avoid danger, their wings help protect them from the cold. Their feathers are hollow, which acts as an insulator, thus helping them stay warmer.

Can planes take off and land at same time?

No because the air around the plane has pressure. If two planes take off at the same time the planes will crash. The planes might crash if they land at the same time.

Can you take electronics on planes?
