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It depends which god you are referring to.

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Q: How would God and Jesus Christ would want to me to love him and his people?
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First of all you have to believe on Jesus Christ. That is a prerequisite. That is essential. With out believing on Jesus Christ you can't be His disciple. After that you have to turn your life over to Him completely and do His will, which is to love Him and love your neighbor. (That is treat your neighbor as you would like your neighbor to treat you. ) Of coarse there are many other things you should do. Study the New Testament to find the answers.

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The followers of Jesus Christ the savior who shared Christian love and care with people.

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Do you know Jesus?

If you are a Christian, Jesus is your creator. If you are his child, then you will know him for his love, which is as vast as the heavens.

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Christ taught that love fulfils the Old Testament law.

How do Pilgrimages get into Heaven?

Through salvation from Jesus Christ. Love God and love people. Also remember to forgive others; but not to judge or condemn others. It is from scripture.