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Sana ay NASA mabuti kang kalusugan.

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Q: How would I say wishing you good health in the Philippines?
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Are you happy if your family have good health?

Yes it is always good to have a healthy family. There is nothing wrong in wishing good health for your family.

What does go in hood health mean?

I think you mean 'go in good health' - basically it's wishing someone a safe journey.

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to maintain good health

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I means that you wish all is fine with someone you are talking to . wishing this person is in good health or in good financial situation, or even emotionally balanced.

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How would you describe good health?

A person with good health would be described as someone who is rarely sick with no existing health issues. A person with good health will have energy to do many things, exercise regularly, and eat healthy.

Why is happiness good for your health?

Happiness is good for your health because if you were dead happiness would be sadness.

What is a word with vol that means to wish?

Volunteer, because you are wishing to help someone willingly without selfishness. Malevolent also can word because you are wishing evil intentions upon another. One more example would be benevolence, wishing to do good for another. Hope this is helpful!

What is meant by being in a good state of health?

One of the synonyms of the word 'state' is 'condition'. So, if we replace the word state with condition, we would have 'a good condition of health'. A 'good condition of health' would mean someone or something is healthy. If I were to say that you were in a 'good state of health', it would mean you are healthy. That's a good thing!

A person who has good health would be?

a person who had good health would be good at athletic things as well as mental thing because when a person is in good health they will be able to move around and will have more energy to do more mental things

How would you describe good?

A person with good health would be described as someone who is rarely sick with no existing health issues. A person with good health will have energy to do many things, exercise regularly, and eat healthy.

What are the Current trends and issues of maternal child health nursing in the Philippines?

The latest health trends and issues in the Philippines is average with ever 2 per 100 people suffering from major chronic diseases. The healthcare system is not good due to the state of the economy of the country.