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The Bible says everybody is born spiritually dead. Another way of saying this is people don't have a relationship with/know God. This is because the first man and woman did not obey God and so their relationship with God - the creator and sustainer of life - was broken. This is sin. Throughout the history of mankind - as told in the Bible - the way for a person to restore their relationship with God is to acknowledge their relationship with God is broken and to offer a sacrifice.

In the early history of mankind this is what people did. God chose the nation of Israel to be His representatives on earth. Israel was supposed to show the other nations what a relationship with God is like. But Israel turned from God and His ways and followed other gods.

So God came to earth as a man - Jesus - and died as the 'lamb of God', a sacrifice for the sin of all who believe.

If a person believes this, the Bible says God forgives the person and that person's relationship with God is restored. Also the believer has the gift of eternal life.

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Q: How would Jesus restore your relationship with god?
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Jesus is the way people can restore their relationship with God.The Bible says everybody is born spiritually dead.Another way of saying this is people don’t have a relationship with/know God. This is because the first man and woman did not obey God and so their relationship with God – the creator and sustainer of life-was broken. This is sin.Throughout the history of mankind – as told in the Bible – the way for a person to restore their relationship with God is to acknowledge their relationship with God is broken and to offer a sacrifice. In the early history of mankind this is what people did.Jesus said “..............I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.-John 14:6.Jesus is the way because he died as a sacrificefor sin. Accept this and your relationship with God is restored.

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Because humanity was dead in sin, so there could be no intimacy between God and mankind. So God, longing to have His people back, sent His son to carry the wrath of God and restore relationship between God and mankind. The bible is to lead us back into relationship with God, which is only through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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What did god send to restore humanities friendship with him?

God sent Jesus Christ to restore humanity's friendship with Him through His teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection, which offered redemption and forgiveness for our sins. Jesus's message of love, compassion, and grace serves as a bridge between humanity and God, helping to renew the broken relationship between them.

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Jesus offered himself. From the beginning of human history man rebelled against God, all people born since are sinners that is they don't have a relationship with God the creator and sustainer of life. God said the way for a person to restore his/her relationship with God was through a blood sacrifice. You can read about the history of Abraham and later the nation of Israel and the sacrifices made for sin, by them, in the Old Testament. Jesus came as the' lamb of God' and died a suitable sacrifice for the sin of all of mankind. Joh 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming to him, and said, "There is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

What do christians believe will happen if they accept Jesus and his teachings?

Christians believe that accepting Jesus Christ as saviour will restore their relationship with God and will give them life after death. John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.

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In the Bible. Jesus is the messiah/the Son of God -- Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus came to die as a sacrifice for sin -- John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Jesus is the only way for a person to restore their relationship with God -- John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

How does Jesus is the light of the world relate to eternal life?

Without Jesus who came to restore the relationship between God and man, the world and all mankind are lost in sin which is a dark place to be. Without accepting Jesus and his offer of salvation, there is no hope of eternal life with Christ in Heaven which is a place of light because of His presence. Rather, the only other option is eternal life in darkness, which is the absence of God's presence.

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