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Q: How would a Muslim feel if they were unable to complete the hajj?
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unable to feel pain

What does a tampon feel like?

When inserted correctly, you are unable to feel it. Inserted incorrectly and it can be very uncomfortable.

Does a dying person feel hungry?

No, because their body is no longer alive so they are unable to feel anything.

Why some don't cherish love?

Some people never feel loved, are unable to feel loved, and therefore unable to appreciate it (or even believe it no matter how much you tell/show them you love them)

What does unabler mean?

Able means "can do". Unable means "cannot do". This could refer to an action, behavior, speech, etc. Examples: I'm unable to say why the experiment failed. I'm unable to walk. I'm unable to hear. I'm unable to move. I'm unable to feel.

Can a Christian priest exorcise a Muslim man by invoking the name of Jesus?

To exorcise means:- "To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer". If the Muslim man were possessed by an evil spirit then a Christian priest would be as capable as an Muslim imam of expelling it, but the Muslim may feel more comfortable seeking help from his mosque rather than a church.

Where can someone find a complete bookstore?

A complete bookstore would most likely be in a town that the person lives in. There are also online bookstores for those who do not feel like going out.

How does it feel becoming a Muslim?

Becoming a Muslim is a great feeling to have for people who want to convert. you begin to feel more secure and closer to God ( Allah) the all mighty .You begin to feel you have made the right choice and your life is leading to peace and beauty.

Why does a snake feel cold when you pick it up?

Because they are unable to regulate their own temperature like we can - and feel cold to the touch.

What happens when you touch something?

you feel it... unless of course you have CIPA a rare genetic disorder that makes her unable to feel pain.

What drug makes a person or an area of the body unable to feel pain?
