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Bee venom has a pH of 5.5, meaning that it is mildly acidic, so blue litmus paper will turn red. Wasp venom, on the other hand, has a pH which is close to neutral, so no litmus reaction would be expected.

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Q: How would a bee venom and wasp venom react with litmus paper?
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How does neutral react to litmus paper?

If a substance is neutral, it will not cause a significant color change in litmus paper. Litmus paper turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions, but will remain largely unchanged in neutral solutions.

How does litmus paper react when exposed to vinegar?

Litmus paper turns red when exposed to vinegar because vinegar is acidic. Litmus paper is a pH indicator that changes color in response to the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

What litmus paper would you use to test for an acid and what is the color change?

Blue litmus paper would be used and if the chemical is an acid the litmus paper would turn red.

What colour does red litmus paper turn when dipped in lemon juice?

It would remain red, red litmus paper only reacts to blue in the presence of a base. Lemon juice is acidic and thus wouldn't turn the paper a color. If blue litmus paper was used in the lemon juice it would turn red. Consequently dipping blue litmus paper in a base won't change the color because it does not react with bases, only acids.

What color would the litmus paper turn if it was blue?

Blue litmus paper turns red in acid red litmus paper turns blue in alkali.

What colour would litmus paper turn into when dipped into hydrochloric acid?

Litmus paper turns red when dipped into hydrochloric acid because hydrochloric acid is an acid.

What colour would blue litmus paper change to in vinegar?

Because Vinegar is an acid, the litmus paper would turn red

What color would litmus paper turn into if apricot juice was droped on it?

Litmus paper would turn red if apricot juice, which is acidic, was dropped on it. This is because litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid.

Why is it important to use blue and red litmus paper to determine pH?

Because if you only use red litmus paper and the solution you tested kept the paper red, you would think that the solution would also make the blue litmus paper turn red too. But what if the solution was neutral? Then the blue litmus paper would stayblue instead of turn red. Thats why you need to use both blue and red litmus paper.

What color would litmus paper turn if it was placed in Pepsi?

When litmus paper is placed in Pepsi it will turn red. This is because litmus paper contains carboxylic acid which is acidic.

Litmus paper in orange juice?

Blue litmus paper would turn red in orange juice.

Why does not acids burn litmus paper?

Actually, some acids do burn litmus paper. Hydrochloric acid, for example, can burn paper, but the litmus on litmus paper shields the paper from the acid. Sulfuric acid, however, has dehydration properties, and would suck the water right out from the paper, charring it instantly.