

How would a human being live on mars?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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NO they can't it is to cold to live there

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Q: How would a human being live on mars?
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Unless you live in a space housing environment specially created for human live on Mars, you would need a space suit to live on Mars, just as you would on the Moon. Mars has very little atmosphere, the temperatures are usually very cold. There is a good possibility of being hit by solar radiation. Mars has no life on it that we know of, and a human being would probably die, if they tried to live there without protection from a well designed, enclosed building, or a space suit.

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Mars is no place for a human being. There is no breathable oxygen and no water, which are both things that humans need to survive.

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Without a spacesuit, airtight building or other breathing apparatus, a human could live for about 3 minutes on Mars. With the right equipment, a human can live indefinitely on Mars.

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Mars is the most Earth-like of all the planets in our solar system (not including Earth itself). While it would certainly not be easy for human beings to live on Mars, it would nonetheless be easier for human beings to live on Mars, than it would be for them to live on Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. So in terms of interplanetary colonization, Mars seems to be the best bet.

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this question doesn't make sense sorry. :|

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for what i have studied nobody has be able to live on Mars because there is no oxygen and every human being needs oxygen to live, and also it is too cold beucase it is fartter from the sun.

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Because Mars does not have an atmosphere suitable for human life.

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No. Mars has gravity.