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Q: How would a state get more representatives?
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Can a small state lose representation?

no, every state gets equal represantation in Senate, 2 senators per state. Representation in the House of Representatives is based on population. bigger states have more representatives. the only way for a small state to lose representation would be in the House of Representatives and there would have to be no one living in the state, which is basically impossible.

How are they selected in the house of representatives?

The number of representatives each state gets is based on the population of that state; for example while Utah has three reps, New York has 29 reps. This just goes to show you that larger, more populous states have more representatives in the House of Representatives.

Which house would have favored by the larger more populous states and why?

The House of Representatives because "the house" based its number of representatives on the population not just every state gets this amount of representatives

Where does congress gets it number?

The House of Representatives' number depends on the population of each state. The more populous the state is, the more representatives to the House of Representatives they have. The Senate is comprised of two senators from each state regardless of the state's population.

How would a state get more congressmen?

The only way that a state can get more representatives in Congress is to increase in population. A census every 10 years determines how districts in each state will be apportioned.

Who would have been with their representation in the house small states or large states?

Unlike the Senate where every state receives two representatives, House representation is based on state population. So, more populated states would receive more representatives than less populated states.

What point in the Virginia plan was objected to by supporters if the New Jersey plan?

that each state would get more representatives based on the state population.

Why are there more members of the house of representatives than the states?

the house of representatives was based on the population of the state and the senate was 2 representatives per state no matter the population.

Why does some states have representatives than others?

It depends on the number of people in the state. If there are more people, there will be more representatives.

Why might states with higher populations have more seats in the House of representative?

Well, its most likely because there are more people in that state, its most likely that more people of that state will be a representatives than a state with low population. Example: California has more people in the state so it most likely has more representatives, Alaska has low population and, because of that, that state doesn't have many representatives.

The more people in a state has more senators or representatives?

That is not true. Each state in the US Senate has two senators.

What is the number of representatives from each state based on How many representatives are there in the house?

Each state may have at least one representative. California is the state with the most representatives with 53. Law states that there will be no more than 435 representatives in the house.