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Q: How would a thermometer that measures temperatures on the Kelvin scale differ from one that measures temperatures on the c Laius scale?
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How would a thermometer has measure temperatures using the kelvin scale differ from one that measure temperatures using the celsius scale?

The degrees are the same size on both thermometers. But when the two thermometers are side by side and at the same temperature, the number of the reading on the Celsius thermometer is 273.15 higher than the number of the reading on the Kelvin thermometer.

How would a thermometer that measures temperatures using the kelvin scale differ from one that measures temperatures using the celsius scale?

1°C = 1K. So the scales would be identical. However, 0K is absolute zero, or -273.15°C. 0°C=273.15K So, while the scales are identical, the start point is different. And, the lines would also be off by a fraction of a degree.

What is the differ between air and temperature thermometer?

The thermometer is used to measure temperature whether it air, water, molten steel, anything you can think of. Scales of measuring Temperature are mainly Celsius , Fahrenheit and Kelvin

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A chocolate thermometer and a regular thermometer differ from each other by its size and sturdiness. The chocolate thermometer are much bigger than the regular thermometer so that it can withstand the extreme heat. The normal thermometer can withstand less heat than the other one.

At what temperature Celsius and Kelvin are the same?

They are never the same, they always differ by 273.15 degrees.

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Temperatures vary so much because the moon does not have an atmosphere.

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How is the kelvin scale and the celcius scale similar and different?

The degrees are the same, but the zero points differ.

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One degree celsius is equal to how many degrees kelvin?

On the Celsius and Kelvin scales, the degrees are the same size, but the Kelvin scale has its zero point at the lowest possible temperature, absolute zero. For Celsius, the zero point is the freezing point of water.So temperatures expressed on the Kelvin scale are 273.15 degrees (kelvins) higher in number than the same temperature expressed in Celsius.And a temperature of 1°C would be the same as a temperature of 274.15 K (you do not use degree marks with Kelvin).