

How would arthritis medicines interact with Hydroxyurea?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How would arthritis medicines interact with Hydroxyurea?
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I would first check with your local pharmacist regarding arthritis supplements as they have the best knowlege about how different drugs and vitamin interact with each other.

Is arthritis medicines and creams good to use for gout in the hands and feet?

Gout is nothing like arthritis and therefore arthritis medicine would do nothing. Gout is high uric acid in your blood stream crystalizing. Once it is crystalized, it stays in the bloodstream and stabs at nerves. Arthritis is stress on bones and therefore very different.

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Analgesics are painkillers and arthritis can be a painful disease.

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There are many different forms of arthritis and what would affect some would have no affect on others.

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It is not known what causes arthritis so the environment that would bring it about is also not known . However many people with arthritis have anecdotal theory's on this subject.

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No one know what causes arthritis. However If you mean does walking on marble lead to arthritis then the answer would probably go" marble does not cause arthritis however if someone that has joints damaged by arthritis walks on a hard unforgiving surface liker marble, then they would be like to feel the pain caused by arthritis more rapidly.

Why would analgesics be orderd for arthritis?

Analgesics are pain killers and arthritis can be a very painful condition.

Where would hurt if you have arthritis in your elbow?

obviously it would be your elbow

Are there better treatments for arthritis?

There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and the treatment for these may be different to answer this question you would have to add what sort of arthritis and what the treatment is that you are referring too.

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That would be unlkely, ther is no evidence that humidity has any effect on the symptoms of arthritis.

Why do women experience arthritis more than men?

As the reasons for arthritis are stil not known this would be a difficult question to answer.

What blood test would be ordered for arthritis?

I don't think Arthritis can be diagnosed by blood test. It is a physical phenomena