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Q: How would building a model of a gizzard help a scientist?
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What would you find inside the gizzard?

Why do you care it is a Gizzard :) haha

Where would you find a bird's gizzard?

In its stomach

What part of the chicken is the gizzard?

The gizzard is like the second stomach of the chicken. They aren't bad for you, but they're like our intestines. Would you eat them?

Does Tyler Have A Gizzard?

Yes It Is Really Large He Would Love U To Suck It Hardy So Come To Asia And Find And Suck On His GIZZARD!!!!

Why would a scientist use a model an investigation?

because it is more inexpensive and it is more safe.

Where would you most likely find Campbells Watercress and Duck Gizzard Soup in?

Campbells watercress and duck gizzard soup is the favorite soup in Hong Kong.

What would cause scientist to change the current model of the atom?

they could discover a new atom and it would change

Do volcanos affect buildings?

Volcanos probably would effect a building if the building was close enough, or if the volcano was really strong. I'm not a scientist, but I think this is the possible answer.

When dissecting a worm specifically the crop and gizzard which organ would the contents be more ground up?

Gizzard because it is the next after the crop when food is going through the system.

What organ in birds hold rocks that they swallow to help with digestion?

That would be the gizzard.

Which structure is an adaptation that helps birds break down food?

That would be the gizzard! :)

How can a scientist test the correctness of a scientist model?

The scientists test whether the model can be used to make accurate predictions. Scientists in 1750 would have not been able to develop a table like Mendeleev because there was only 17 known elements to work with, the scientists would not have enough data.