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Q: How would changing the location of the center of gravity of a structure affect it?
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How does changing mass affect the force of gravity?

Force of gravity = mass x acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2) Increase in mass = increase in gravity

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The mass, height and the force of gravity at the location.

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Acceleration of a falling object is directly proportional tothe force of gravity in the object's location.

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Vegetation and land cover can affect climate. How? When the temperatures of the land increase, changing the climate.

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When you change the mass of a load, it creates less friction because there is less for gravity to act on.

What is gravity and how does it affect planets and the oceans?

gravity is something that can affect the planets.

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Does mars' gravity affect other objects. yes it does but the gravity is 38% of the earths gravity and if doesn't affect objects then it will have no moon.

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