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The diaspora refers to the scattering of Jewish communities when they were exiled from their land.

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Q: How would diaspora be used in a sentence?
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Related questions

What is an example of diaspora in a sentence?

Diaspora is a word used to describe Jews who do not live within Israel. A good sentence would be, there was a whole group of people that were diaspora.

How can you use diaspora in a sentence?

The return of the Jews from the Diaspora.

What is an example of a sentence with the word diaspora?

The diaspora was an infection spreading across europe.

What is a sentence for diaspora?

The romans carried on the Jewish diaspora, begun by the Assyrians and Chaldeans.

How would you use diaspora in a sentence?

The president wanted to appeal to the diaspora so that they could help the people that were still in the country or maybe even come home.

How can you use African diaspora in a sentence?

I grew up in an African Diaspora, where many of the villagers had ancestors from Africa.

What is reverse diaspora?

Diaspora is when people move from their homeland to areas outside of the homeland. Therefore, a reverse diaspora would be when people who have fled their homeland return to it.

What are three adjectives of diaspora?

diaspora diaspora diaspora

Were used in sentence?

the answers yes, we are used in the sentence see if we were not used in a sentence then this conversation would be pointless so again the answer is yes we are used in sentences.

How would justifies be used in a sentence?

This justifies the use of this word, in a sentence.

What is psychopath in a sentence?

In a sentence the word psychopath would be used as a noun.

When do you use would have had to in a sentence?

It would be used in a sentence such as: "He didn't start school that semester as he would have had to register by a certain date."