

How would digestion be affected if bile was not produced?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Stomach acids or bile break down food eaten so that the nutrients can metabolized or absorbed by the body. No bile - maybe starvation.

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Q: How would digestion be affected if bile was not produced?
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Which chemical is produced in the gallbladder to assist in the digestion of fat?

Bile. Bile is produced in liver and stored in gall bladder.

What emulsifies fats to make digestion easier that is produced by the liver?

bile salts

Is the bile a digestive system?

Bile, produced by the liver aids in the digestion of lipids. Lipids are triglycerides that have various functions in the body, including digestion.

What is produced by the liver to make digestion easier?

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Bile acid sequesterants are drugs that act by binding with the bile produced by the liver. Bile helps the digestion and absorption of fats in the intestine. By blocking the digestion of fats, bile acid sequesterants prevent the formation of cholesterol.

What is produced in the liver but stored in the gallbladder?

Bile is produced in the liver but stored in the gallbladder.

The absorption of which type of nutrient would be affected if the liver no longer produced bile?

Lipids, which are emulsified by bile to make it easier for the molecules to be digested by enzymes.

Which organ of the body is responsible for removing bile?

Bile is produced in liver, stored in gallbladder and excreted into small intestine through the bile duct to aid lipid digestion. Bile pigment is a component of bile.

Which region of the digestive system is bile released?

Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. The gall bladder releases bile into the small intestine. Bile aids in the digestion of lipids while in the small intestine.

How does bile help in the digestion of plants?

It doesn't, bile is useful in the digestion of fats.

What does the gallbladder for digestion?

The Gall bladder stores bile. Bile is made by the liver. Bile is essential for the proper digestion of fats. If fats are not properly digested, fat soluble vitamins are also not absorbed.

What is specific macromolecule is bile used to break down during digestion in a pig?

Bile is a compound used to digest fat that are manufactured by the liver from cholesterol. Most bile is produced in the liver from cholesterol and concentrated in the gall bladder.