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Most historians would agree that Andrew Jackson's presidency was a watershed period in American history. His administration started the massive westward expansion that eventually enveloped over 3 million square miles.

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Q: How would most historians assess the Jackson presidency?
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Jackson was the seventh President of the US. In effectiveness , most historians would rank in at about that same position among all presidents.

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That would be an opinion. Jackson believed in a strong central government instead of state's rights and "manifest destiny." These issues shaped his presidency.

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Jackson reshaped the presidency by being the first president to declare the republic democratic which was exactly what the founding fathers were afraid of. He also was the first to declare he had a mandate from the people; as well as being a celebrity of the time.

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He and Jackson disagreed over the Nullification Crisis. He resigned the vice-presidency in order to run for the Senate. He had also been Adams's vice-president and could see that he would have far more power as a US senator. He had also had rather a feud with Jackson over his wife's treatment of Peggy O'Neil.

What contributed to John Calhoun's resignation of the vice presidency in 1832?

He and Jackson disagreed over the Nullification Crisis. He resigned the vice-presidency in order to run for the Senate. He had also been Adams's vice-president and could see that he would have far more power as a US senator. He had also had rather a feud with Jackson over his wife's treatment of Peggy O'Neil.

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== ==

What were the fear of Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln was a interesting man. Some historians think he had depression. In his life he lost 2 sons to disease, he had to fight a civil war throughout his presidency, and his wife would lock herself in a room. She took their sons deaths very hard. In pictures you can see the aging of Lincoln. He also had death threats against him all during his presidency.

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The Battle of Chancellorsville was in the end, won by the Confederacy tactically but it was a HUGE strategic failure. Because of a friendly fire incident, one of the Confederacy's best generals, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, died of pneumonia through an infected wound. Many historians believe that had Jackson lived, the Confederacy would have won at Gettysburg. Lee would never find a general as brilliant as Jackson again.