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You could go about purchasing public liability insurance from webpages such as Money Supermarket. Alternatively, one could try public liability insurance companies such as Hiscox, for example.

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Q: How would one buy public liability insurance?
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Related questions

What is a public liability insurance and how is it used?

In a nutshell, public liability insurance is a special insurance a business or a commerce can buy to protect itself financially in case of a lawsuit brought against it by a patron injured at/on it's premises.

Where online can one get a public liability insurance policy?

One can buy a public liability insurance policy online from many insurance companies. These include Hiscox, Axa Liability Insurance and Endsleigh. One can use comparison sites such as Compare The Market to compare prices and conditions.

Where to buy public liability insurance?

Look for companies that provide business insurance to small businesses. Most any insurance company will offer public liability insurance, but the purchaser must be prepared to provide answers to the questions they will be asked to get a quote.

Where to buy product liability insurance?

Insurance Company

Where do you buy General liability insurance?

General Liability insurance is purchased through any insurer that provides commercial insurance lines coverage.

Where can you buy just a liability insurance policy in Sarasota County FL on a free and clear mobile home?

Call an agent and ask, but I suspect you can not just buy liability insurance. You can buy a real cheap HO policy with minimal property coverage and max out on the liability. Why would you not want personal property coverage anyway? 4lifeguild

Can you buy liability insurance without a drivers license in Texas?

It depends on what type of liability insurance you need. Contact an agent in your area.

Why do people buy cheap liability car insurance instead of full coverage?

People buy cheap liability insurance if their vehicle is not nice enough or new enough to warrant full coverage. The cost of the insurance ends up being more than what they would get if they needed to make a claim.

Can you buy full coverage car insurance without liability?


Can a homeowner buy a liability only policy?

Your insurance agent will advise you of the bare minimum insurance you absolutely need, but you can be sure "liability" will be part of it, yes.

What is the minimum liability insurance coverage for Florida dentists?

There is no minimum. They can buy whatever insurance limits they want, or they can buy none at all.

Why Tenants Liability insurance?

The property Owners Liability Insurance does not extend coverage to a Tenant. This is one reason a tenant might want to buy their own tenants liability coverage for their own protection.