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Q: How would the US be if the attack on Pearl Harbor didn't happen?
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How did Pearl Harbor affect the hydrosphere?

It didnt

How did Franklin Roosevelt lead Pearl Harbor?

he didnt lead pearl harbor he was president of the usa but he did avenge pearl harbor by declaring war on japan

Did the president know that japan was going to attack pearl harbor?

yes,they had some resources that the U.S. was going to be attacked,but they didnt know who,so 50/50

Why was pearl harbor bombed o Sunday?

This was because the soldiers were not at their posts and they didnt do any drills so they knew the Americans were vulnerable This was because the soldiers were not at their posts and they didnt do any drills so they knew the Americans were vulnerable

Why did it take so long for US to join the war II?

they didnt care until pearl harbor

Why did us join the World War 2 war?

Because it was not until the US Fleet was attacked at Pearl Harbor that the US had just cause to declare war.The united states didnt want to get involbed so the stayed neutral

Why did japan plan a large scale attack against the us navel fleet at pearl harbor?

They didnt mean to it was the WONG place

What other naval base was bombed after the attack on pearl harbor?

I didnt know how many naval bases were bombed after peral, but the Japanese took a lot of U.S. territories we won from the spanish American war like Guam and the Philipine Islands.

When did Hideki Tojo realize the US was the most powerful potential enemy in ww2?

When the US didnt negotiate for peace after Pearl Harbor

What were the Americans doing the night before the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

They were caring on with their lives because the government knew that there was going to be a bombing but they didnt know when.

What happen on december seventh 1941?

Thie was the dat that the united states bombed pearl harbor. You are very crazy and ignorant if you didnt know the answer to this question. I would be embarassed to even ask somebody this. Lol wow.

America entering World War 2?

America didnt enter WW2 until the Japanese surprise attack on pearl harbour