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Q: How would the bacteria have possibly acquired its immunity to the virus?
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What is active acquired immunity?

Active acquired immunity occurs when you get an infection by a pathogen (bacteria, virus) and your body responds and removes the pathogen and also your body makes "memory" cells. These cell remember this pathogen and when it enters your body again you remove it immediately. You are now immune to it. You usually don't notice this.

What immunization achieved by the injection of attenuated measles virus?

artificially acquired passive immunity

Is HIVs the same as acquired Immunity Syndrome?

No. HIV is not AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

What is also known as acquired immunity?

Acquired immunity is a form of immunity gained from bacteria or viruses by the body ITSLEF. Essentially the body has encountered the pathogen (bacteria/virus) and learnt by itself which anti-bodies to produce to fight it. Once the body has found which antibodies are the most effective this information is stored in "memory cells" which, if encounter the same pathogen can quickly make the correct type antibodies to fight the invading pathogen and defeat it quickly. (antibodies are produced by lymphocytes which neutralize toxins and clump bacterium together meaning the phagocytes can engulf them quicker and digest via enzymes) acquired immunity is "natural" including Innate immunity (antibodies passed through placenta/breast milk. artificial immunity includes Active (given modified bacteria which does no harm but body learns how to produce antibodies) and Passive (injected with Antibodies - requires "top-up")

Specific immunity is more effective when it has been previously been exposed to a specific bacteria or virus?


Is specific immunity more effective when it has been previously been exposed to a specific bacteria or virus?


Are vaccines only used for viruses?

I'm not an expert, but from what I can gather, vaccinations are used for both virus' and pathogenic bacteria (harmful bacteria). Vaccines contain a section/segment of the virus or bacteria (for example a flagella) to infect the body. The body then produces memory cells so that the body has an immunity against the virus or bacteria (note that this immunity may not last a lifetime).

As an infant receives her first dose of oral polio vaccine the nurse explains to her parents that the vaccine is a preparation of weakened virus What type of immunity will the infant develop?

The infant will develop artificially acquired active immunity

What is naturally acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired active immunity means that you have contracted the disease and your body has developed immune defenses against the disease. An example if when a person gets Chickenpox- the body has memory cells which functions to produce an immune response when it recognizes the same virus later on. The immunity for chicken pox is usually lifetime.

What type of immunity does inhaling a virus produce?

Active Immunity

What is the relationship of infection and immunity?

infection is when a certain area on the body is attacked by bacteria. immunity is when your body knows a certain virus, and knows the best ways to fight it. if you survive an infection, your body remembers whatever virus or bacteria that caused the infection. you become immune. with this knowledge, doctors give vaccinations, which are actually the weakened virus cells of sicknesses, so the body can easily fight them off when and if they catch the ailment outside of the hospital.

How do you get a infected throat?

Both Virus and Bacterial infections are just that caught when a virus or a bacteria become active in the throat they are usually both acquired from other people by spray from coughs and sneezes.