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how would the cytoplasm be compared to within a fire station

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Q: How would the cytoplasm be compared to within a fire station?
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What would best represents cytoplasm?

A Fire Station

What everyday object can you compare to a cytoplasm?

The everyday object that can be compared to cytoplasm would be the floor of a house. This is because the floor holds the houses furniture.

What is the gel like fluid that is in between the cell membrane and the nucleus?

This substance is called the cytosol and all the jelly like substance and the organelles are called the cytoplasm.

If extracellular fluid around a cell is hypotonic then the cytoplasm within the cell is what?

the outside would be hypertonic.

Is cytoplasm a compound?

No, cytoplasm is not a compound. Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that fills and surrounds the organelles within a cell. It is mainly composed of water, salts, and organic molecules like proteins and carbohydrates.

What part of the human body is like the cytoplasm?

I would suppose that the organs are equal to organelles, and the cytoplasm to blood vessels, because materials travel within the Endoplasmic Reticulim, but through the eyes of a layman, it would be the equivalent of the cytoplasm. In conclusion, the cytoplasm is like the blood vessels inside of the human body.

What object can compare to a cytoplasm?

You could compare cytoplasm to a jar of jelly because cytoplasm is a "jelly-like" substance and jelly is,well, jelly!

What is a slogan to sale cytoplasm?

"Our cytoplasm is out of CYT!" would be a good slogan for selling cytoplasm.

How can cytoplasm be compared to a city?

Well... I would say that cytoplasm is to a cell what a road system is to a town. Cytoplasm transport proteins, metabolites etc. to where they belong in a cell just like a road system does in a city.

Is it a pump station or a pumping station?

Typically the term "pumping station" is what is used. When referring to the individual pieces in the pumping station, these would be called pump sets, and each area containing pump sets, within the pumping station, could be called a pump station.

What is found in both plant and animal cells and it's like jelly?

the cytoplasm

What would cytoplasm represent in a city?

There are many things in the world that would represent cytoplasm. In the city the cytoplasm could be represented as the ground where everything is built.