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Q: How would the following statement be described you learned something new today Agree disagree strongly disagree?
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Can you use disagree a sentence?

I would disagree with that last statement.

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I do agree with the statement that anyone can cook.

Do you agree or disagree with this following statement There is nothing that young people can teach older people?

That is ridiculous. Whoever would agree with this is an idiot, who obviously hasn't learned a thing. I learn from kids, animals, trees even. If you're not learning something new everyday, you're doing something wrong. Age has NOTHING to do with this.

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why do you disagree with girls should'nt ask guys out?

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We don't know whose statement you ask about.

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I think I'd have to say that I disagree with any statement as vague and ungrammatical as that. I can't even tell what it's supposed to mean.

What group of Americans at that time would disagree with his statement?

farmers- novanet

How would you use disagree in a sentence?

~I disagree with your comment.~Why do you always disagree with my non-bias remarks?~Who would disagree with this statement?: PERCY JACKSON IS AWESOME!!!~No one disagrees with that statement.~A lot of people disagree with the fact that the Hunger Games is the best book.~Actually, I stand corrected because EVERYBODYdisagrees with the fact that The Hunger Games is the best book!

What would you do if one of your peers on a team says or does something you disagree with?

Politely interrupt the conversation and call the person on the statement that they made. Them you disagree with what they are saying and ask them why (if time permits) they feel that way. Everybody was raised differently with different points of views and if you can not agree , then agree to disagree. If the statement doesn't affect the company's or group's integration structure then people will have to be allowed their own opinions or in other words, freedom of speech.... there are still many other things to say about this.

Is correct to say you are in disagree?

No. The correct way to say that you disagree with something would be "in disagreement."

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Call your bank if you disagree with the information on the statement. Otherwise shred it up in a paper shredder (or do what I do and give it to your dog to shred!)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement people should read only those books that are about real events real people and established facts?

I disagree with the statement. Fictional books can offer valuable insights into human behavior, emotions, and experiences. They can also spark creativity, empathy, and imagination in readers. Reading a variety of genres, including fiction, can enrich one's understanding of the world.