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The Nuermburg Laws stripped all Jews of German Citizenship, ownership rights, and the list went on and on. Germans could no longer associate freely with or even associate with them. It applied a stigma that many had never associated with the jews.

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Q: How would the new laws Hitler introduced make Germans feel about Jew's?
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What was Hitler's philosophy?

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Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.

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Hitler saw Jews as inferior to ethnic Germans. He exploited German anti-Semitism to enable his genocidal plans.

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It is very likely that she did hold the same beliefs Hitler did about Jews.

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For 2 reasons 1. Hitler was using propaganda on the germans, so some did believe in hitler and his ideal's about the Jews also, this was quite impowering to hitler because, once hitler got majority of germans on his side, he could proceed his plans 2. Hitler was using terror on the germans and the opposels of to the nazis

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The purpose of the Hitler Youth was simply to indoctrinate young Germans so that they would grow up to be good Nazis; this organization did not have the task of hunting for Jews.