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Q: How would turbidity affect the primary productivity of a pond?
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The primary determinants of agricultural productivity would be farm size, age, the weather and labor costs. Output is also considered a determinate.

How does technology affect productivity in an economy?

Usually, new technology will increase productivity in the economy. For example, if you replace a human in a factory with a robot that can work twice as quickly without breaks, productivity would increase.

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Yes since health would effect productivity.

In which zone would you expect to find turbidity currents?


What effect would turbidity have on photosynthesis?

turbidity is the level of transparency of the water. if the turbidity of the water is really good then the sunlight can get through to the organisms that need to photosynthesize. on the other hand if the water is too murky then the sunlight cannot pass through to those organisms.

What are two secondary factors that affect solute diffusion?

The primary determing factor would be the size of the substance

What would you have to do to control the turbidity in an aquarium?

In most cases you shouldn't have a lot of turbidity. If you find that you do then see if you can angle your filter in a different way or get another filter that limits water movement.

How will having aids affect a workers productivity?

If the worker is in late stages of the virus, he would have high risk of sickness and thus take more and less predictable medical leave.

What causes productivity to go up?

There are quite a few things that would cause productivity to go up. Efficiency is the number one factor affecting productivity.

How does productivity in a country affect equilibrium currency prices?

If one country's productivity increased relative to another's, the former country would become more competitive in world markets. The demand for its exports would increase, and so would the demand for its currency.

What affect does urbanization has on temperature?

The primary affect urbanization has on temperature is to increase it overall. Because of the concentration of people, buildings, and equipment, nature is unable to dissipate all the heat as it normally would.

Where on earth would productivity most likely be?

in the tropics