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Notwithstanding today's notation of 444 in Roman numerals inasmuch that they are considered to be CDXLIV which makes integration of them with other numerals impracticable.

But it can be conclusively proven that the Romans themselves in the past would have calculated the equivalent of 444 as CCCCXXXXIIII which can be, with systematical logic, reduced to IVLD (-56+500) hence making addition more practicable as follows:-

CCXXII+IVLD = DCLXVI (222)+(-56+500) = (666)


CCXXII+CCCCXXXXIIII = DCLXVI (222)+(444) = (666)

Note that: 5*I=V, 2*V=X, 5*X=L, 2*L=C, 5*C=D and 2*D=M

Roman numerals: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1


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Q: How would you actually add together in two different ways 222 and 444 using Roman numerals in both calculations?
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How would you actually add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals throughout both calculations with explanations?

See answer to question: ' How do you add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways using Roman numerals'

How would you actually add together 1999 and 14 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

Notwithstanding todays modern conversion of 1999 and 14 into Roman numerals which are MCMXCIX and XIV respectively inasmuch that there exist credible evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have added together the equivalent of 1999 and 14 in either of the following formats:- A: IMM+IXV = MMXIII => (2000-1)+(15-1) = 2013 B: MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII+XIIII = MMXIII => 1999+14 = 2013 Not that for more complicated calculations the ancient Romans would have used an abacus calculating device.

How would you add together 31 plus 19 in two different ways and 31 minus 19 in two different ways showing all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals?

The modern way of expressing 19 into Roman numerals is now XIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the above calculations as follows: A: XXXI+IXX = L => 31+(20-1) = 50. B: XXXI+XVIIII = L => 31+19 = 50. C: XXXI-IXX = XII => 31-(20-1) = 12. D: XXXI-XVIIII = XII => 31-19 = 12.

How would you add together 199 plus 114 plus 199 in two different ways using Roman numerals throughout both calculations?

In today's modern way of expressing Roman numerals 199 and 114 are now considered to be CXCIX and CXIV respectively but there exist historical evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the above calculations in either of the following formats: A: ICC+ICXV+ICC = DXII => (200-1)+(215-1)+(200-1) = 512 B: CLXXXXVIIII+CXIIII+CLXXXXVIIII = DXII +> 199+114+199 = 512 For more extensive and complicated calculations the Romans would have used an abacus calculating device.

How would you actually add together in two different ways 19 49 and 1999 using only Roman numerals throughout both calculations giving convincing reasons why?

I expect a Roman would notice that 1999 is only I less than MM, so he would used MM plus the others, take-away one I. Similarly for the others. So you have MM+XX+L less III = MMLXVII. In two different ways: take off the III before adding LXX or take it off afterwards instead.

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How would you actually add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals throughout both calculations with explanations?

See answer to question: ' How do you add together 1666 and 1999 in two different ways using Roman numerals'

How would you add together 51 plus 49 in two different ways and 51 minus 49 in two different ways but showing all calculations entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

Doing arithmetic with Roman numerals is exasperating, and imho a pointless waste of time, except to demonstrate the obvious superiority of our "normal numbers," which use base-10 radix / positional notation that includes a zero digit as a placeholder. I'd venture to say science & technology -- commerce, too -- could never have developed in recent centuries if we still used Roman numerals for calculations. However, this web site explains some methods:

How would you actually add together 1999 and 14 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals with explanations?

Notwithstanding todays modern conversion of 1999 and 14 into Roman numerals which are MCMXCIX and XIV respectively inasmuch that there exist credible evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have added together the equivalent of 1999 and 14 in either of the following formats:- A: IMM+IXV = MMXIII => (2000-1)+(15-1) = 2013 B: MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII+XIIII = MMXIII => 1999+14 = 2013 Not that for more complicated calculations the ancient Romans would have used an abacus calculating device.

How would you add together 1776 and 49 in two different ways but showing both calculations entirely in Roman numerals from start to finish?

In todays modern configuration of Roman numerals 49 is now considered to be XLIX but the ancient Romans would have probably added the given numbers in either of the following formats:-A: MDCCLXXVI+IL = MDCCCXXV => 1776+(50-1) = 1825.B: MDCCLXXVI+XXXXVIIII = MDCCCXXV => 1776+49 = 1825.For more complicated calculations the Romans would have used an abacus calculating device.QED

How would you add together 31 plus 19 in two different ways and 31 minus 19 in two different ways showing all four calculations entirely in Roman numerals?

The modern way of expressing 19 into Roman numerals is now XIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the above calculations as follows: A: XXXI+IXX = L => 31+(20-1) = 50. B: XXXI+XVIIII = L => 31+19 = 50. C: XXXI-IXX = XII => 31-(20-1) = 12. D: XXXI-XVIIII = XII => 31-19 = 12.

How would you actually add together 1999 and 51 in Roman numerals using either of the two methods possible?

I would add 1999 and 51 together, getting 2050, and convert that to Roman numerals (MML) and hope that was one of the two possible methods.

How would to add together 1999 and 3001 in two different ways showing both calculations entirely in Roman numerals?

When in Rome do as the Roman do and the ancient Romans would have probably added together 1999 and 3001 in either of the following ways:- IMM+MMMI = (V) => (2000-1)+3001 = 1000*5 = 5000 MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII+MMMI = (V) => 1999+30001 = 5000 Note that in todays modern configuration of Roman numerals 1999 is now considered to be MCMXCIX

How would you add together 1776 plus 1999 in two different ways and subtract 1776 from 1999 working out all three calculations entirely in Roman numerals?

It is now generally accepted that the modern way of expressing 1999 into Roman numerals is now MCMXCIX but the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the above as follows:- A: MDCCLXXVI+IMM = MMMDCCLXXV => 1776+(2000-1) = 3775 B: MDCCLXXVI+MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MMMDCCLXXV => 1776+1999 = 3775 C: MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII-MDCCLXXVI = CCXXIII => 1999-1776 = 223 The above calculations are fairly easy and straightforward but for more complicated calculations the Romans would have used an abacus counting device.

How would you add together 199 plus 114 plus 199 in two different ways using Roman numerals throughout both calculations?

In today's modern way of expressing Roman numerals 199 and 114 are now considered to be CXCIX and CXIV respectively but there exist historical evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the above calculations in either of the following formats: A: ICC+ICXV+ICC = DXII => (200-1)+(215-1)+(200-1) = 512 B: CLXXXXVIIII+CXIIII+CLXXXXVIIII = DXII +> 199+114+199 = 512 For more extensive and complicated calculations the Romans would have used an abacus calculating device.

How would you actually add together 1999 plus 2000 plus 2001 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals from start to finish with explanations?

Notwithstanding the fact that nowadays we would officially convert 1999 into Roman numerals as MCMXCIX inasmuch that the ancient Romans would have probably worked out the equivalent of 1999 as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII which can be abridged to IMM thus making two possibilities of adding together the equivalent of these numbers as follows:- A: IMM+MM+MMI = (VI) => (2000-1)+2000+2001 = 6000 B: MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII+MM+MMI = (VI) => 1999+2000+2001 = 6000 Note that the above calculations are fairly simple but for more advanced calculations the ancient Romans would have made use of an abacus calculating device and that (VI) is equivalent to 1000*6 = 6000 which is the same as MMMMMM

How would you add together 51 plus 49 in two different ways and 51 minus 49 in two different ways showing all four calculations in Roman numerals?

The modern way of expressing the equivalent of 49 into Roman numerals is XLIX but the ancient Romans would have probably expressed it as IL or XXXXVIIII thus facilitating the speed and ease of the above calculations respectively as follows:- A: LI+IL = C => 51+(50-1) = 100. B: LI+XXXXVIIII = C => 51+49 = 100. C: LI-IL = II => 51-(50-1) = 2. D: LI-XXXXVIIII = II => 51-49 = 2.

How would you actually add together 666 and 999 in two different ways all in Roman numerals with explanations?

Notwithstanding todays modern conversion of 999 into Roman numerals which are CMXCIX inasmuch that the ancient Romans in all probability would have added together the equivalent of 666 and 999 in either of the following formats:-A: DCLXVI+IM = MDCLXV => 666+(1000-1) = 1665B: DCLXVI+DCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MDCLXV => 666+999 = 1665QED