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Depending on whether or not there was a statement before this question telling me what these 'things' were, or if we were talking of Doctor Suess (Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Cat and the Hat), or if a previous conversation with the person had verified what these things were, I would answer according to how these 'things' actually were at the present time.

If I had no idea what 'things' were being discussed, I would answer

"What are the things you are speaking of?"

I believe you meant to ask HOW ARE THINGS? -- this is an informal greeting similar to "how are you?" You answer by saying how things are with you -- either good, OK, so-so, or not so good.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

I would respond by saying "Things are going well, thank you for asking."

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Q: How would you answer the question 'how are the things'?
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