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We would all die; we need them for food and oxygen. Even though plankton produce oxygen too, we can't just eat meat (and most of the animals we eat eat plants anyway, so...).

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Q: How would you be affected if all producers on earth disappeared?
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it will die

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If plants disappeared from earth, all life on earth depending on photosynthesis would disappear.

What might happen if the producer disappeared?

if the producers disappeared the other animals such as the primary, secondary,and tertiary consumers and the decomposer would not have anything to eat because the producers would not exist so all the other animals would become extinct.

If algae suddenly disappeared from Earth's Waters what would happen to living things on earth?

it woluld be very bad because many living things would die and it will affected the life cycle more.  

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All the other animals would die on the food web because there food disappeared! its a chain reaction

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Producers play the role of the foundation in establishing earth a a living planet. Without producers, there would be no life on Earth.

What roll do producers play in establishing earth as a living planet?

They are the foundation without producers there would be no life on Earth.

What would happen to life on earth if there were no producers?

If there were no producers on Earth, such as plants and algae that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, life on Earth would not be sustainable. Producers are at the base of the food chain, providing energy and nutrients to other organisms. Without them, there would be no source of food or energy for consumers, leading to the collapse of ecosystems and the extinction of most organisms.

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It would be like the rest of earth, mountains etc.

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Almost all of the organisms will be affected because the grass is the first step in energy flow or what we called PRODUCERS.

What will probably happen to Earth if our atmosphere disappeared?

life would follow