

Best Answer

its a big job taking care of pinkies but it is possible

First, you need to keep the mice warm. Get a box that fits the mice; if there's seven, get a nice snuggly shoe box. If there is one or two, get a baby wipe box.

Step 2

Take a couple of socks, and fill them with rice. Mice, rice; get it? Keep the sock flat so they can sleep on it comfortably. Microwave it for one or 2 minutes, until it's very warm to the touch. Put it in the box and put the soft flannel material over it.

Step 3

Buy puppy or kitten formula or make your own by mixing an egg yolk with a little bit of milk and blending it very well. Put it in a bottle and let it warm in a bowl of steaming water. The formula should be warm to the touch.

Step 4

Warm the dropper so it's not cold. Gently place it between the lips of the animal and drop.

Step 5

Feed them every 2 hours, yes, even at nightime. Make sure there kept warm.

Step 6

After feeding, take a cotton ball dipped in warm water and rub the area where they go to the bathroom. The mother does this to stilulate it

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