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Q: How would you categorize the protagonist of The Snows of Kilimanjaro Name three characteristics of him and supply examples from the story that supports your idea?
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The protagonist is Katniss Everdeen. She is the first-person story teller and the main character of the series.

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Examples of characteristics are: composition, color, density, odor, toxicity.

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Both Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro are examples of stratovolcanoes, which are tall, steep-sided volcanoes composed of alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, and other volcanic debris. These volcanoes are typically associated with convergent plate boundaries and have the potential to erupt explosively.

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B) Protagonist... A protagonist is like the bas guy in a story.

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australia, new zealand

What are examples of characteristics?

Your hair color and your eye color. Those are just some examples!There are many different types of characteristics. These are details that allow people and things to stand apart from others. Examples of characteristics include loud, quiet, shy, outspoken, large, bold, humble, and blunt.

What is a mineral structural group?

A mineral structural group refers to minerals that have similar crystal structures due to their chemical composition and arrangement of atoms. These groups help classify and categorize minerals based on their internal structure and bonding characteristics. Examples of mineral structural groups include silicates, carbonates, sulfides, and oxides.

What is the intellectual characteristics of teenager?

Emily and Ellie are good examples of this!

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What are the characteristics of a Bushi?

There are many characteristics of a Bushi. Examples of characteristics of a Bushi includes wearing large armor, being noble and brave, and being swift and fast.