

How would you describe a tomb?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: How would you describe a tomb?
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They visited the ancient tomb to pay their respects to the pharaoh.

Why was King Tutankhamun's tomb said to be cursed?

Curses were written on the tomb walls, to scare off would-be tomb robbers.

What metaphor dose Romeo use to describe the tomb?

Romeo compares the tomb to a "detestable maw" in Act 5, Scene 3 of "Romeo and Juliet." This metaphor emphasizes the tomb's dark and ominous nature, suggesting that it is a repulsive and consuming force.

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because it protected the tomb from being robed by tomb thieves

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Today, Cleopatra's tomb would be 2031 years old.

How would Mary open the tomb?

Mary did not open any tomb it was already open

Who built traps in King Tutankhamun tomb?

His tomb builders.They would be following a plan.

What does tomb tabard mean?

Not sure to whom it referred but Tomb Tabard was an insult in ancient Scotland. it meant Empty Jacket/overcoat and was used to describe someone in power who was a coward/flip-flopper/puppet........etc. Could still be used these days to describe myriad politicians/rulers.

When was the apostle John's tomb built?

We do not know how or where the apostle John died, so we do not know where his tomb would be.

How was the ancient Egypt tomb prepared?

If it was a pyramid it would have to be built, otherwise the tomb would need to be excavated. IT would then be plastered and painted ready for the mummy and grave goods.

What hieroglyphics would be found in a tomb?

All of the writing inside a Pharaoh's tomb would be in hieroglyphics because that was the standard way of writing in Egypt at the time.