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floating front and center? (i think)

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Q: How would you describe the balloon when it is floating in the centre of the room?
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A leisure centre.

When the balloon is floating high above the ground how could the balloonist make the balloon descend gradually?

the balloonist would turn off the burner, allowing the air inside the balloon to cool down. Hot air rises so as the air cools down the balloon will lose altitude.

How would you describe the relative location of the Dana centre?

I don’t know that’s why I asked you

What part of speech is buoyant?

weightless, floating, unsinkable, afloat, airy, supernatant

Is the balloon boy a hox?

i highly think so what kind of man would act like there son is floating to his dome just for publicity he is sick if you ask me

How much weight will a helium balloon carry?

You measure the circumference of the balloon which is 46.75 and one cubic foot of hellium and it lifts about 1 ounce of sugar/anything, So one cubic foot of hellium will lift 1 ounce.

What would happen if you put Alcohol in a balloon?

It would spoil the alcohol due to the plastic in the balloon, but it wouldn't doa anything else, unless the balloon or the alcohol was hot, the the balloon would pop.

What is the opposite meaning of floating?

The opposite of floating would be sinking.

What reaction would happen if you freeze a balloon?

the balloon would probably put on a jumper

Where would the needle puncture the balloon with least amount of effort?

Assuming you are attempting to puncture a balloon and keep it intact, I would reccomend puncturing the balloon near the knot, where the rubber is thick and not streched out. If you are trying to pop the balloon, then I would puncture the balloon where the rubber is thinnest.

What would it be like to live in a Space Station?

You would be floating and everything would be floating. Trust me, I have visited space

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