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When doing a mail merge, you need to take data from one source and put it into a document. A merge field relates to one particular item of data, such as a name, which will be in the merged document. The merge field will be placed in the appropriate place in the document, so in the case of the name, it could be after the "Dear" at the start of the letter. As each letter is printed a different name from the source data would be placed in that position, so that each letter is different as they are being sent to different individuals.

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Q: How would you describle a merge field in Word documents?
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A merge request usually results from someone trying to edit or re-word a question into the wording of a question that already exists.For instance, if I had the question "What is a fxo?" and I reworded it to "What is a fox," that correctly-spelled question already exists on our site. When this happens, then different things might happen, depending on your permissions on the site:People with the power to merge would get a button asking them if they want to merge the questions together, and if they clicked it, it would happen.People withOUT the power to merge would get a button asking them if they want to merge the questions together, and if they clicked it, it would send a request to the supervisors, where they could double-check the request and either approve or deny it.

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Write detail steps using mail merge facility in Microsoft Word to prepare a mail merge document to invite your 5 friends on celebration of your birthday party?

First you would type the letter, allow space for the individual name on the five letters. To keep it simple We could use a single field and it will be put after the "Dear". Initially your letter might look like this: ------------------------ Dear I am having a Birthday party and I would love you to come! It is on the 1st April. I hope you can make it. From Mary. ------------------------ The next step would be to start the Merge process, through the menu or ribbon. You will have to choose the type of merge to do, in this case a letter. You then have to choose or create your data source. You can create a new one and set up one field (which will involve getting rid of all the default ones or ignoring them) for name of the person. In a more detailed letter you could also have fields for the address. You can then fill in the data for the fields, so the names of the people and their addresses, if you were doing that. Then you have to insert the fields into the letter. They will appear as fields and you won't initially see the data. There will be angle brackets around the field indicating that it is a field, and it will be highlighted in grey if you click on it: ------------------------ Dear <<name>> I am having a Birthday party and I would love you to come! It is on the 1st April. I hope you can make it. From Mary. ------------------------ You are then ready to run the mail merge. You can create a set of form letters allowing you the chance to check that everything is correct before printing them. Any errors should be corrected on the initial letter or in the source data. If you can do this simple merge then the process is the same if you are adding in more fields, such as the address.

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Suggesting a merge sends a question to a CA to approve or decline a merge. When you merge questions, you do not change the wording of the questions. Normally we would not notice that the questions do not change because the merge happens instantly, but since there is a delay, we notice it. Don't worry even though it looks like nothing has happened, something will happen.

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