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Q: How would you distinguish between the motion when it is subjected to constant acceleration and variable acceleration?
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Is acceleration constant?

Acceleration may be constant or variable. Of course, in many high-school level problems, it is assumed to be constant, because in that case, the mathematics is simpler.

What is the difference between constant velocity and variable velocity?

Constant velocity has speed always constant along the direction with respect to time. Variable velocity changes its speed with respect to time. Constant velocity has zero acceleration. Variable velocity has non-zero acceleration . An object moving at a constant velocity maintains both the same speed and direction. An object moving at a variable velocity can be changing speed or direction of travel or both.

Distinguish between a variable and a contol?

a variable is the thing that we change during the experiment while control is the thing that we remain it to be constant through the whole experiment.

Which group is not subjected to the independent variable?

The Control(Controlled Variable)

What is the constant and variable of 6x?

The constant is the number; the variable is the letter.

What is the variable speed or acceleration?

Both speed and acceleration can be variable, depending on the circumstances.

What is speed does not change over time called?

A change in speed is a change in velocity - so, a change in speed is an example of acceleration! Acceleration may be positive or negative. Negative acceleration is sometimes called deceleration. When a force acts on an object; it may change the object's acceleration (speed, direction, or both).

What is the constant variable in Avogadro's law?

The question is about an oxymoronic expression. A constant cannot be a variable and a variable cannot be a constant!

What a variable that does not change in an experiment is called a constant?

Constant variable

Is a constant a number variable or the product of a number and one or more variables?

A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.

What does a constant do in c plus plus?

A constant is a variable that does not change. The correct term is constant variable.

What is the opposite of the word constant?

The opposite of the word "constant" is "variable".