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Q: How would you feel if someone breached confidentiality?
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How did you feel if lost confidentaility?

Well clearly is your confidentiality was breached then you would feel exposed, vulnerable and you wouldnt feel like you would be able to trust anybody, especially if you lost confidentiality whilst in a professional setting such as with your doctor. Your pride and dignity may also suffer some damage, paranoia may set in as you may feel everybody knows etc.. xx

What would happen if staff did not maintain confidentiality?

If staff did not maintain confidentiality, then they could end up loosing their jobs as parents and children will feel like they can not trust you anymore

The right to confidentiality?

you have to feel strong and imagine that you are not weaker than your opponent

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if you are ill-treated by someone then how would you feel..............?? if your teacher upbraid's you ,then you feel happy or sad .............. no doubtingly sad the same is with the dalits

How important is security and confidentiality?

Maintaining confidentiality is very important because it shows respect for people and they can trust you and feel relax enough to tell you any suggestion they may have. There may be some cases in which you will have to break confidentiality such as if a child protection case is suspected.

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What can I say or do to let someone know your not cheating?

All you can do is speak with them and tell them the truth and how you feel. If they choose not to believe you ask them on what bases and grounds but if you have breached that trust in anyway in the past it will be hard to convince them as a breach of trust is a hard thing to get by and regain.

If you tell the doctor you are not a virgin and you are underage do they tell your parents?

No. A doctor will keep the confidentiality of the patient unless they feel the teenager is in danger or if a crime has been committed.

How does it feel to be lied to?

It makes you feel foolish (if you believed the lie), mad (that someone would even lie to you) or happy (that someone would lie to you to not hurt your feelings). It depends on the situation.

What do you do when you see someone you love in someone else's arms?

Well that's not really for someone else to answer as it is what you believe or feel in terms of this. It would make you feel as if you would dump your lover or do what they did to you (revenge basically). 007 SGS

Common law of confidentiality?

Common law of confidentiality is not written in status , but established by the court decisions over time. Confidentiality is an important principle that enables people to feel safe in sharing their concerns and to ask for help. However, the right to confidentiality is not absolute. Sharing relevant information with the right people at the right time is vital to good safeguarding practice.

How do you feel about volunteering?

I feel it would be a good thing to do, if you have time