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i would feel like i would be the ruler of the world

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Q: How would you feel if you were George Washington during the inauguration?
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Would the world be better or worst without George Washington?

It's actually better or worse* and no one would know for sure but the country would definitely be very different. Without George Washington, we would have no inauguration speeches, and the terms of presidency would not be four years. In fact, the US might not even be a democracy. It was Washington who wanted to have elected "rulers," or presidents.

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George Washington swore in an inauguration ceremony on 4/30/1789. Washington knew he would set the precedent for the office of the president.

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Washington's inauguration was held on April 30,1789. Despite all he achieved, Washington was anxious. The country was divided on many issues. Washington understood how much the new nation depended on him. His actions would set a precedent.

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George Washington

How old was Benjamin Franklin when george Washington was inagurated?

Washington's inauguration was on 1789 April 30. Franklin was born 1706 January 17 (1705 January 6, OS), so he would have been just over 83 years old.

Did George Washington have campaign buttons?

George Washington was thrust into his role as the first President reluctantly. Even if campaign buttons were in existence during his time, he would not have used them.

Who was the war hero who would later become president?

George Washington

Did George Washington got a girlfriand?

No George Washington didn't got a girlfriend because he was married and George Washington would not cheat.George Washington is a good man.Hope it help you

Who laid cornerstone for the capital?

If you refer to the US Capitol building, that would be George Washington during a Masonic cornerstone ceremony.

Did Washington approve of political parties?

George Washington

What was George Washington's favorite movie?

Motion pictures were not in existence during George Washington's life.

Who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Colonial army during the Revolutionary war?

George Washington was elected president after the United States of America got rid of the Articles of Confederation primarily due to his war leadership in commanding American Troops during The American Revolutionary War. The American Continental Army was the only "standing army" (militia weren't standing armies) for George Washington to command so this makes it clearly apparent that George Washington is the one who led the American Continental Army during the American Revolution.