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Q: How would you have reacted if you were a patriots and your friend was loyalist?
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How are patriots better than loyalists?

It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the government is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation.

Okay i need this for school What are some challenges the loyalist face during the 1790's?

I'm in 6th grade and i just studied this... The patriots did a lot of things, including Boycotting. They specifically boycotted during the Tea and Stamp Act. (Boycotting is when someone refuses to buy something). The Patriots would also write propaganda about the loyalists, while some of the information was way over dramatic, to make the loyalist look bad, and to make Neutralists go to the Patriots side, instead of joining Britain, and to make the colonies angry at britain.

Why would people be a loyalist?

because the loyalists were on the kings side

Who was the loyalist of the provincial congress that was not named as a native American superintendent?

Richard Pearis became a loyalist when the Provincial Congress would not name him Native American Superintendent.

How did colonist react to lexington and concord?

In the Revolutionary Period of America's history, the April 1775 battles of Lexington and Concord provoked diverse reactions among American colonists. Some reacted with apathy, some were surely filled with fear about what would happen next, while others (Loyalists) reacted with disapproval of the American hostilities. The most influential group, however, reacted with fervent patriotism: in support of the Americans who stood their ground at those first battles of the Revolution, they took up arms and otherwise prepared to join the War for Independence.

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What were some things they said in the real debate of patriots and loyalist?

patriots would debate about freedom with patriots

How are patriots better than loyalists?

It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the government is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation.

Why would a loyalist turn into a patriot?

Because they knew the Americans were beginning to win or they didn't want to be totured by patriots.

Why should you be an loyalist?

It's a little late to decide that, isn't it? There haven't been either Patriots or Loyalists since the end of the Revolution in the 1780s. If I lieved at that time, I might be a Loyalist if I wanted to remain part of the British Empire and I would be a Patriot if I didn't.

If you had been a colonist in 1773 would you have been a Patriot or a Loyalist?

If you supported Britain, you would've been a loyalist. If you supported The Continental Army, you would've been a Patriot.

Neutralist debate questions for the Loyalists and the Patriots?

nothing because they don't like each other !

Who would have said the soldiers have a right to take what they need from rebels a loyalist or a patriot?


How would you use loyalist in a sentence?

Loyalist would be a simile for "devoted". Your sentence would read: "Governor xyz is a loyalist (devoted to) the Republican views on abortion.

Why are loyalist better than patriats?

It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the governent is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation. why i think patriota are better is because if you think about it patriots are better because loayalist depend on there king to give them everything and we make our own decisions but what if the king made a choice for a loyalist and they didnt like it they cant controll that but we can we are in charge of ourselfs. the end

How would you have reacted if you were Ms Allen?

How would you have reacted if you were Ms. Allen? Explain why

How would you have reacted if you were Ms. Allen?

How would you have reacted if you were Ms. Allen? Explain why

Okay i need this for school What are some challenges the loyalist face during the 1790's?

I'm in 6th grade and i just studied this... The patriots did a lot of things, including Boycotting. They specifically boycotted during the Tea and Stamp Act. (Boycotting is when someone refuses to buy something). The Patriots would also write propaganda about the loyalists, while some of the information was way over dramatic, to make the loyalist look bad, and to make Neutralists go to the Patriots side, instead of joining Britain, and to make the colonies angry at britain.