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Symptoms may include focused or dull/radiating pain, as well as limited mobility, intense swelling, or numbness. The best way to know if it is broken is to get x-rays from your doctor.

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Q: How would you know if your thumb was broken?
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How do you know if your thumb is broken or fractured from a fall?

Best way to know is to get an xray

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How do you know if you broke or sprained your thumb?

If you can't move it, and it's very swollen, it's probably broken. If you can move it, but it hurts every time someone touches it, or something rubs against it, its sprained.sprained is rare.... like... I didnt even know that it was possible. But Fractured, hurts like hell, and it makes ur finger turn colors

What happens when you get a bump on your thumb?

i have a bump on my thumb do u reackon it is broken

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I broke a bone in my hand and just below my thumb there was a hard lump and it was extremely swollen and purple.

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What if you dont wear your splint for a broken thumb?

If your doctor ordered you to, then in general, one could at least say that it would not be good to stop wearing it. As too how bad, that depends on too many factors to say. Your doctor would know.

Can they set a broken thumb?

yes they can it's like a dislokated shoulder you can snap it back in place but you can also get a cast on it but it would be on all of your hand

How do you fix a broken thumb?

Go to the doctor and get an x ray to clarify you will generally get a cast for abOut a month,if you don't want to go to the doctor then. The symPtoms for a broken thumb are Swelling Pain Discoloration Mobility(sometimes you can still move thumb) If you have 2or3 of these you can get a real cheep splint at a local pharmacy.

What would erase the files on a thumb drive?

Do you mean HOW TO ERASE or did they erase by themselves and you want to know why?

What does it feel like if your thumb is broken?

Swelling, pain, lack of total mobility, a feeling of hotness, contusions and discoloration from hematoma. Note that these are also the symptoms of a bad jam or sprain. Broken thumb generally occurs near the junction of the thumb with the hand or the metacarpo-phalangeal joint. So a broken thumb is frequently accompanied with a dislocation or subluxation of this joint. Unless the fracture is unusually severe, and you can see angulation of the extremity, or ends of the broken bone (which is rare), there is no way to tell the thumb is broken without imagery. An xray at least is required to confirm.

How would you know if your thumb in broken?

A clicking sensation at the base of the thumb is mostly due to a Bennet's or a Rolando's fracture of the thumb. This is mainly because of subluxation of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of the thumb. Ligament injuries are associated with pain and swelling but no clicking sensation.