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A dented can, in 99.5% of cases is nothing more than a "dented can", but, perhaps understandably, many people will pass over a dented can. However, a bulge in a can - no matter how small, if it is a visible bulge - should never be purchasedor used.

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14y ago

I would think the main reason for rejection, is because the can is "blown"

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11y ago

by smelling it. if it smells wet, its probably bad.

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10y ago

If the can appears swollen, or bent, or is past its "use by" date.

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If it has ice crystals on it

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Q: How would you know when canned food is spoiled?
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Unless you know the code system that the processor uses, you will have to open the can.

How do you know if a can is bad?

If the can is dented, rusted, or if the top is rounded it may be spoiled. If you open the can and you don't hear a puff of air, it might be spoiled. When in doubt don't eat food from damaged cans.

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They are spoiled when they are brown and slimy.

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Need to know the brand and type (canned, semi-moist, dry) of cat food to answer this question.

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You are spoiled when you know that your family loves you.

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They eat the same thing that all dogs do!!!!!!!!!!!!! they eat dry food and canned food!!!! I know this because my BFF has one!!!!

Are home canned turnips that turned brown after canning ok to eat?

Canned foods discolor for a variety of reasons (exposure to exteme heat or cold, being in direct sunlight, spoilage, or improper food preparation in the processing). As it is not possible to know the reason for the discoloration I would discard the food. For the future refer to proper methods for processing foods at the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website.

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It will let you know that something is on fire- before you see it. It will tell you food has spoiled, before you taste it.

What are the precautions you can take if an earthquake comes?

safe shelter,canned food,water,flashlights,candels,and i dint know anymore ok get a brain if you dont know

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Juliet Manwella says: I would have to say...yes. Because anybody at the factory who makes the canned food could have slipped something into a can or two. Then again I am just a loner girl that surfs the net saying whats on her mind.... *shrugs* IDK

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