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you could measure its specific gravity, and its refractive index - both are non-destructive tests. A gemologist would be able to answer about a particular stone.

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Q: How would you know whether the stone as real diamond or a fake diamond?
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How is the easiest way you can tell if a diamond is fake?

Take the stone to a jeweler who can use a probe to determine whether the stone is a diamond or not.

Would diamond to be electrically conductive?

One way to determine whether or not a diamond is a real diamond is to use an electric probe, because a diamond will respond to electricity differently than will a fake stone. However, diamonds are not a practical conductor of electricity: they are too expensive.

Are Diamonds fake?

No, in the sense that any 'diamond' is relatively tiny, whether the stone is fake or real. As well, imitation diamonds will not weigh as much as a real diamond of the same 'size'. Weights will be different depending on the compositions of the 'fakes'.

Are fake diamonds heavy?

No, in the sense that any 'diamond' is relatively tiny, whether the stone is fake or real. As well, imitation diamonds will not weigh as much as a real diamond of the same 'size'. Weights will be different depending on the compositions of the 'fakes'.

Do fake diamonds cut glass?

A proper glass cutter will be tipped with real diamond. A fake diamond may be used to cut something in an attempt to prove that it is not fake. Take your jewelery to a local jeweler to test the stone; that will help you determine whether or not the diamond is fake. Swiping glass with anything except a cleaning cloth could be considered vandalism.

If you can see a circle through a large diamond is it a fake?

Any large diamond deserves identification by a certified gemologist, who can tell you whether or not it is fake.

What is the best way to spot a fake diamond?

Diamonds conduct electricity and a diamond probe can confirm that the stone does not conduct electricity, so it is not a diamond.

Why are some diamonds fake?

No diamond is fake; but there are fake diamonds. Because natural diamonds are expensive and engaging to the human eye, many people want to own and wear diamonds, so a fake diamond can be substituted in the place of a real stone.

How much is an average piece of jewelry?

well it would depend on what type for instance if there is a stone in it that is a real not a fake probably around $500-$2000 especially if that stone may happen to be a diamond.

How can one tell if a diamond is real or not?

A diamond, unlike a fake diamond, is extremely hard and can scratch nearly anything. A fake diamond would not be as hard. A jeweler with a microscope would also be able to determine the difference.

What is the meaning of fake?

In simple terms it is an imitation. Something that looks like but is not the same as the real thing. An engagement ring with a glass stone in it is a fake if it is supposed to be a diamond.

How do you find out if a diamond is real besides testing it with a diamond tester.?

A 'quick and dirty' test is to pass the diamond over glass. If it cuts the glass, it's probably a diamond. Some 'fake' diamonds cloud up under cold water; a real diamond remains clear. Finally, a certified gemologist will always be able to tell whether a diamond is a real diamond, or a 'fake' diamond -- using a diamond tester.