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First, you will need to have an exposition that introduces all the important characters, and give them an interesting personality. Second, come up with a major turning point (this will be your rising action) that will eventually lead to a compelling, epic climax. Then, end it all with a powerful resolution.

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Q: How would you make a plot structure on the lion king?
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Yes. The Lion King made $987,483,777 and Frozenmade $1,143,737,000

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yes it is. The Lion King is based on actual African folk tale. And if you watch the making of the movie, which is usually at the end, you will see that in order to make the Lion King, they had to work with real lions, and actually travel to Africa, to build enough knowledge to make a movie of it.

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Lions are often called the king of the jungle. which doesn't make any sense since they don't live in jungles. Lions live on mostly open grasslands. Tigers live in Forests and would fit much better as the king of the jungle.

Will Disney make lionking 3?

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Who would win skunk vs lion?

The lion, no question. Skunk spray would simply make the lion even more determined to kill the skunk.