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Q: How would you measure the rate of osmosis?
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What is the formula to calculate the rate of osmosis?

how do you calculate the rate of osmosis

How does salt effect the rate of osmosis?

Salt would slow this rate considerably and the more salt in the water the slower this rate would be.

Would there be an increase or a decrease in the rate of osmosis if WE raised the temperature?

There would be an increase

Why does temperature affect the rate of osmosis?

as the temperature increases, the rate of osmosis increases

Does temperature affect the rate of osmosis?

Yes as temperature increases. So, does the rate of osmosis.

How Do you measure the rate of Osmosis?

weigh a piece of potato before and after putting it in a beaker of water. i don't know any other way so if someoe had a better answer than me it would be really helpful :)

Why does temperature effect the rate of osmosis?

Theoretically, the maximum point of increase in the rate of osmosis with the increase of temperature should be the boiling point of water. At this point, the water can not get hotter (without superheating due to the addition of pressure), therefor the rate of osmosis could not be any greater.Yes, increasing temperature would result in an increase in the rate of osmosis, as the water molecules would have more energy and therefore faster Brownian motion. This means the molecules move around a lot faster, so equilibrium would be reached faster.

What are the factors that affect the rate of osmosis?

The rate of osmosis is dependent on factors such as temperature, particle size (surface area), and the concentration gradient and time given for osmosis to occur

How does temperature affect osmosis rate?

Yes it does as temperature increases so does the rate of osmosis for example as temperature increases the osmotic rate gets faster etc.

What is an osometer?

a thing to measure osmosis

How does temperature affect the rate of osmosis?


Would there be an increase or decrease in the rate of osmosis if the temperature were raised?

Osmosis is a physical process in which the net flow of solvent is from there higher concentration to their lower concentration. As osmosis is physical process it first increase with increase in temprature but get constant after some extent.