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BY reducing the resistances of the circuit, By using Maximum transfer theorem and Joule's law.

Copper wires are better conductors than, for instance, than aluminum wires.

After insulation, I placed the circuit in water to keep it from overheating (big heat sink).

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Q: How would you minimize the heating effect of a current in a circuit?
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What causes heating effect when current flows?

The resistance factors to the current flow in the circuit is what causes the heating effect in a circuit. This resistance usually comes from the load that is connected to the circuit. For example a baseboard heater is a completely resistive load and the result of the heating of the device can be used to heat a room in the home.

How would you show the heating effect of a current?

how would you show the heating effect of a current?

Who found heating effect of electric current?

Joule showed the heating effect due to the resistence of wire which cary the current.

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Heating effect of electric current.

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Heating Effect of Electric Current advantage?

Reliable, simple and safe. Heat can be regulated by changing the resistance in the circuit.

What is the effect of transformer impedance on short circuit current?

Short circuit current will increase a lot.

What is the effect on the current when a short circuit occurs?

The current increases.

Why would another component effect the electrical current in a series circuit?

All the components in a circuit have a potential effect on the total current used by the circuit. You have to be more specific to get a more precise answer.

How can an ammeter be connected in a circuit and not effect the flow of current?

The ammeter does affect the flow of current in a circuit, however, the resistance of the ammeter is so small in comparison to the circuit that the effect is negligible. It is connected in series.

Heating effect of a 5 amp of AC compared to 5 amp of DC?

Electrical current alone has no heating effect. Current through a device, with a voltage across the device will have a heating effect. The equation for calculating it is power = voltage x current, where power is proportional to the heating effect If the AC supply is measured as an RMS voltage and an RMS current and the device is resistive, then the heating effect will be identical to the same values with a DC supply. RMS means the "average" voltage or current of an AC supply whereas the peak AC voltage refers to the highest voltage that is reached on each cycle. However, if the device is not just resistive but is inductive, the heating effect will be lower with an AC supply than with a DC supply. By inductive, we mean that the device has a coil or capacitor, for example, in the circuit. The reasons why are outside the scope of this answer but are explained in many electronics text books, or look up "power factor" on google

What effects of electric current is involved in the fuse breaking?

Heating Effect.