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By performing experiments whose goal is to prove that such theory is a mistaken theory.

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Q: How would you prove that a certain theory is not acceptable?
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When would scientists accept a theory?

probably when you can prove it

1 Imagine that you are a scientist Propose a hypothesis that you would like to prove and outline the experiments you think would prove your theory?


Is it possible to have an IQ of zero?

In theory, yes - but it would be extremely difficult to prove an IQ of 0.

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In theory, yes, but how you would define, leave alone measure or prove it, I struggle to imagine.

Does fact required for a theory?

Theories tend to Remain a Pseudo Fact, until proven otherwise, the theorist, is under no obligation to Prove his Theory, which makes anyone capable of writing a Theory, without using any Facts whatsoever. Of course it's always advisable to throw a few facts around within the Theory, to add some Credibility to your Theory. Remember if you could prove a theory as Fact, then it would no longer be a Theory, but a Fact.

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Theory is important because it allows scholars to predict the behavior of certain actors in certain situations. Absent this, we would have no way to predict behavior in the international system.

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Copies of documents are 'legitimate.' They may not be acceptable for certain legal situations. In which a notarized copy would have to be obtained.

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There are many ways in which a teacher could apply Kohlberg's theory in the classroom. They could have the students do certain activities.

Is a Scientific theory certain?

Scientific theory is the explanation of nature base on repetition of observing facts. It had to withstand scientific review to re-examine all the time. Scientific theory is certain thing in layman term and context. However, statistically, nothing is 100% certain and possibly a tiny possibility exist that it is wrong or had limit in certain area. Some would try to use theory as the mean of uncertain to make believe scientific theory is the same as personal theory. Scientific theory to withstand require certainty as it must provide thoroughly along the path of experimental result. The personal theory is what called in science a hypothesis.

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In my opinion fishnets are not appropriate office wear. Maybe for certain jobs they would be acceptable, but not your typical office job.

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Wegener failed to specify a possible method by which continents could move around. Most people would not accept his theory because they thought the continents would be ploughing through solid rock.

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If you can prove he is either physically or mentally incompetent or any other reason that a court would find acceptable, then yes you can.