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It means: What's the name of your favourite person?

So your reply would be:

Mi persona favorita se llama.....= My favourite person is called....

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Q: How would you respond to Como Se llama Tu persona favorita?
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How do you respond to Cรณmo se llama?

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Mas bien es artista, but in English I would say "artist". Could also literally be a frame painter.

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¿Cómo se llaman las personas de tu familia? literally translated is 'How are called the persons of your family?'. In other words, "What are your family members called?'You could respond to this with any or all of the following:Mi madre se llama ...(My mother is called ...)Mi padre se llama ...(My father is called ...)Mi hermano/hermana mayor se llama ...(My older brother/sister is called ...)Mi hermano/hermana menor se llama ...(My younger brother/sister is called ...)Mi abuela se llama ...(My grandmother is called ...)Mi abuelo se llama ...(My grandfather is called ...)Mi tía se llama ...(My aunt is called ...)Mi tío se llama ...(My uncle is called ...)You get the idea ...

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it is asking "what is your favourite class?" so you would answer: mi clase favorita es ....... eg. mi clase favorite es ingles

Why would you dye a llama green?

So you can have a green llama. D'uh.

What is my llama's name?

[Como Se Llama Usted] wrong... to translate that answer would be: ?cual es el nombre de su llama? llama is an animal

Are llamas fat?

It depends on how much the llama is fed, so it really depends on the llama! i would suggest if you have a llama keep it average for its health ..... lol...llama