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If I had done that horseisle answer:If I had done that =P CherryMoon (pinto server)

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Q: How would you say that if you did something in the past but at a very specific time or under a very specific circumstance or that you are emphasizing your doing of the action?
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The noun need is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a circumstance in which something is necessary, or that requires some course of action; a word for a concept.

What do you mean by instrumental purpose?

To seek overt action. If you want something specific to happen after your speech or action then it has an instrumental purpose.

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The spelling is opportunity, a favorable or suitable circumstance for an action or process.

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Yes, the noun 'need' is an abstract noun, sometimes called an 'idea' noun'.The noun 'need' is a a word for a circumstance in which something is necessary, or that requires some course of action; a word for a concept.

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No, the word 'nuisance' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for someone, something, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance; a legal action to address harm arising from the use of one's property.

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The action model of communication is the simplest view. It states that communication is simply something one person does to another. It is seen as a one-sided view that specific actions in a specific sequence will gain the desired response from people.

A paper allowing someone to do something?

A document granting permission or authorization to an individual to engage in a specific activity or action.

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A specific outcome is the result of a particular action or event. The outcome of an action would vary greatly depending on the specific action.

What effect does the repetition of the word when have eye have in this passage?

The repetition of the word "when" in the passage indicates a specific time or condition that triggers a certain action or event. It helps to create a sense of rhythm and anticipation, emphasizing the cause-and-effect relationship between the different moments described in the passage.